Developer Notes


Running tests


Running doc-tools tests

pytest -E doc-tools
def test_foo():
    pass # only run if -E doc-tools provided in pytest

Running dockerized tests

# build image
docker build . -f docker/cpu/Dockerfile -t $CACHE_IMAGE

# run pytest in container
tmpfile=$(mktemp /tmp/caldera-build-docs.XXXXXX)
exec 3>"$tmpfile"
rm "$tmpfile"
docker run --cidfile $tmpfile $CACHE_IMAGE /bin/bash -c "pytest --html pytest-report.html"
CID=$(cat $tmpfile)
docker cp $CID:/src/pytest-report.html .


Build documentation

make docs

Dockerized build

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build \
--cache-from $CACHE_IMAGE \
master \
-f master/docker/docs/Dockerfile \

./master/docker/docs/ $CACHE_IMAGE _ghpages

Converting ipynb to rst

python docs/_tools/nb_to_doc -f <nb_path> -o <out_dir>

Github Actions and CI

Please checkout the .github/workflows files for more information.

Code quality

Run the following to enforce code formatting, refactoring, and checks:

pre-commit install